Patent Lisans Sözleşmesi

3 patents that contribute to the solution of the climate challenge owned by Istanbul University were transferred to BIYOTEK 15, an academic enterprise within the scope of Entertech Istanbul Technopolis, which received TÜBİTAK TEYDEB 1702 support and a Patent License Agreement was signed.

Along with the improvement in the patent portfolios of our universities, there is an increase in the number of successful applications regarding the commercialization of patents originating from universities.

Finally, 3 patents that contribute to the solution of the climate challenge owned by Istanbul University were transferred to BIYOTEK 15, an academic enterprise within the scope of Entertech Istanbul Technopolis, which received TÜBİTAK TEYDEB 1702 support and a Patent License Agreement was signed.

Patent License Agreement Signing Ceremony held at Istanbul University on 30 December 2022, TÜRKPATENT President Cemil BAŞPINAR, TÜBİTAK President Prof. Dr. Hasan MANDAL, Rector of Istanbul University Prof. Dr. It was realized with the participation of Mahmut AK.

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